Podiatry Board of Australia - Independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons in Australia
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Independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons in Australia

Final report

The final report from the Independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons in Australia was published 27 March 2024. The report makes 14 recommendations to better protect the public, all of which have been accepted by the Board and Ahpra.

The review consisted of an extensive examination of the regulatory framework for podiatric surgeons, a public consultation and interviews with key stakeholders, including:

  • podiatric surgeons
  • podiatrists
  • orthopaedic surgeons
  • peak bodies
  • insurance companies
  • education providers
  • other regulators
  • patients of podiatric surgeons and
  • members of the public.



The Independent review of the regulation of podiatric surgeons in Australia commissioned by the Podiatry Board of Australia and Ahpra commenced in October 2023, to get an independent view of the current regulatory framework for podiatric surgeons, any risks to patient safety, and recommend improvements to better protect the public.

The review was undertaken by Ron Paterson, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Auckland and Senior Fellow at Melbourne Law School. Prof Paterson is an international expert on patients’ rights, complaints, safety and quality and the regulation of health professions and was formerly New Zealand Health and Disability Commissioner and Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Professor Paterson appointed an Expert Advisory Group comprising:

  • Mark Bodycoat, Community member, Medical Board of Australia
  • Heather Buchan, Senior Medical Adviser, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Richelle McCausland, National Health Practitioner Ombudsman
  • Luke Taylor, President, Podiatry Council of New South Wales.

Page reviewed 23/10/2024