Podiatry Board of Australia - Endorsement for scheduled medicines
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Endorsement for scheduled medicines

Endorsement of registration identifies practitioners with additional qualifications and specific expertise. The endorsement available for podiatry is scheduled medicines.

The Podiatry Board of Australia’s revised registration standard for endorsement for scheduled medicines and associated guidelines came into effect on 1 August 2018.

The revised registration standard and guidelines apply to podiatrists and podiatric surgeons applying for endorsement for scheduled medicines after 1 August 2018.

FAQ are available to help practitioners understand the new registration standard and guidelines.

Templates and a Prescribing Self Assessment Tool are also available to support practitioners using Pathway B of the registration standard to endorsement.

Watch our videos for practitioners and their mentors

Watch our two videos about Pathway B to endorsement for scheduled medicines and discover what you and your mentor need to do during your period of supervised practice.

Video: Endorsement for scheduled medicines – key steps for Pathway B

Video: Key information about the mentor role under Pathway B


Related documents

Document name PDF Accessible format Effective date
Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines PDF 
Word version 
1 August 2018
Guidelines: Endorsement for scheduled medicines PDF 
Word version 
1 August 2018
Sample of portfolio evidence PDF
  12 May 2023
Checklist - Application for endorsement for scheduled medicines PDF
(78.6 KB)
  12 May 2023
FAQ: Endorsement for Scheduled Medicines PDF
(137 KB)
Web page 12 May 2023
Flowchart: Follow your pathway to endorsement for scheduled medicines PDF 
Word version 
30 April 2018
Clinical study template
Word version 
12 May 2023
Guidance for completing clinical study template PDF
(87.1 KB)
  12 May 2023 
Prescription template   Word version 
6 February 2020
Log of activities: Endorsement for scheduled medicines - Pathway B template   Word version 
1 August 2018
Mentor Agreement (Pathway B) template   Word version 
1 August 2018
Certification of completion of supervised practice (Pathway B) template   Word version 
1 August 2018
Evidence Matrix - Endorsement for scheduled medicines - Pathway B template   Word version 
12 May 2023
Prescribing Self-Assessment Tool: Endorsement for scheduled medicines - Pathway B   Word version 
12 May 2023
Policy: Endorsement for Scheduled Medicines - Extension of time to complete period of supervised practice under Pathway B PDF 
Word version 
1 August 2018


There are specific forms for practitioners applying to have their registration endorsed for scheduled medicines.

  • The form to use when you are applying to commence supervised practice under Pathway B is - Application to commence supervised practice - Endorsement for scheduled medicines Pathway B - AASP-70
  • The form to use when you are submitting clinical studies for initial assessment under Pathway B is - Clinical studies submission form - Endorsement for scheduled medicines pathway B - CSSF-70
  • The form to use when you are applying to have your registration endorsed for scheduled medicines is - Application for endorsement of registration for scheduled medicines – AESM-70

There are also forms to complete if you need to change your mentor or if you want to apply for an extension of time to complete your period of supervised practice under Pathway B.

The forms are available on our Forms page.

Approved online case studies

One of the requirements under Pathway B of the Board’s Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines (ESM registration standard) is the successful completion of 15 online case studies approved by the Board.

The Board has approved the following online case studies for the purpose of Pathway B of the ESM registration standard:

  1. Online case studies offered by LaTrobe University.
  2. Web-based case studies offered by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) as part of the Graduate Certificate in Podiatric Therapeutics.

Ministerial approval letter

Document name PDF Document date
Ministerial letter - Approval of Podiatry Board of Australia's revised Registration standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines PDF (124KB) 22 February 2018

Endorsement for scheduled medicines subject to a condition

An endorsement for scheduled medicines may be subject to a condition. For more information please visit the Endorsement for schedule medicines subject to a condition page.

Page reviewed 27/02/2024