Podiatry Board of Australia - Endorsement subject to a condition
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Endorsement subject to a condition

The National Law provides that the Podiatry Board of Australia (Board) may endorse a podiatrist or podiatric surgeon’s registration as being qualified to administer, obtain, possess, prescribe, sell, supply or use Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 8 medicines to patients for the treatment of podiatric conditions. An endorsement for scheduled medicines may be subject to a condition if the Board considers it necessary or desirable in the circumstances or if the condition was in effect prior to the commencement of the National Law.

The following scheduled medicines lists relate to a some podiatrists or podiatric surgeons whose endorsement for scheduled medicines is subject to a condition, with the details of the condition set out in one of the following lists. For example, the practitioner’s endorsement may state that it is subject to condition and the condition is that they are qualified to purchase and use the scheduled medicines listed in 'Scheduled Medicines List B' in the manner described in that list.

Document name  PDF  Document date 
Scheduled Medicines List A  PDF 
(34.4 KB) 
18 August 2011 
Scheduled Medicines List B  PDF 
(34.2 KB) 
18 August 2011 
Scheduled Medicines List E  PDF 
(130 KB) 
18 August 2011 
Page reviewed 6/03/2024