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Past accreditation consultations

Public consultation: Draft proposed Professional Capabilities and Accreditation Standards for podiatry and podiatric surgery

In 2019 the Podiatry Board of Australia (Board) requested that the Podiatry Accreditation Committee (Accreditation Committee) review and update the professional capabilities and accreditation standards for podiatry and podiatric surgery to ensure the documents reflect contemporary practice.

In 2020 the Podiatry Accreditation Committee carried out a period of public consultation on draft proposed professional capabilities and accreditation standards for podiatry and podiatric surgery.

The Accreditation Committee sought feedback on the draft proposed documents from education providers, practitioners, other stakeholders and the community.

Released: 8 December 2020
Closed: 12 March 2021

A summary report on feedback received during the public consultation period is available here (208 KB,PDF).

Stakeholder submissions : feedback on draft proposed professional capabilities

Stakeholder submissions : feedback on draft proposed accreditation standards

Draft proposed Professional Capabilities and Accreditation Standards for podiatry and podiatric surgery – Focus groups

The Podiatry Accreditation Committee held two online focus groups in February as part of public consultation on the draft proposed professional capabilities and accreditation standards for podiatry and podiatric surgery.

The purpose of the focus groups was to share information about the draft proposed professional capabilities and accreditation standards, explore stakeholders initial views on these documents and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and seek clarification.

The focus groups were recorded for those who were unable to attend. Please note that the discussion elements of the focus groups have been removed for privacy reasons.

Podiatric surgery focus group – 15 February

Podiatry surgery focus group – 17 February


Page reviewed 13/10/2021