Podiatry Board of Australia - Accredited programs
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Accredited programs

Programs of study that are approved by the Podiatry Board of Australia (National Board) are monitored by the Podiatry Accreditation Committee (Accreditation Committee).

Accredited programs need to be approved by the National Board before graduates can be registered. Below are all currently-accredited programs of study for podiatry, podiatric surgery and endorsement for scheduled medicines. 

Education Provider Accredited Campus Program name Program Code Current Accreditation Status
Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons N/A Fellowship of the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons N/A Accredited with conditions
Central Queensland University Rockhampton, Qld Bachelor of Podiatry Practice (Honours) CB86 Accredited with conditions
Sydney, NSW Bachelor of Podiatry Practice (Honours) CB86 Accredited
Teach-out to end 2023
Charles Sturt University Albury/Wodonga, Vic Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine/
Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours)
4414PD and 4514PD Accredited
La Trobe University Bundoora, Vic Bachelor of Applied Science/
Master of Podiatric Practice
HZLLPP Accredited
Teach-out to end 2028
Bachelor of Podiatry (Honours) HHPOD Accredited with conditions
Online Podiatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (non-award) PPT-NAE Accredited
Queensland University of Technology Kelvin Grove, Qld Bachelor of Podiatry/
Bachelor of Podiatry (Honours)
CS44 and CS46 Accredited
Graduate Certificate in Podiatric Therapeutics CS30 Accredited
Southern Cross University Gold Coast, Qld Bachelor of Podiatry 3007308 Accredited
Teach-out to end 2026
University of Newcastle Central Coast, NSW Bachelor of Podiatry 483900 Accredited
Teach-out to end 2025
University of South Australia City East, SA Bachelor of Podiatry/
Bachelor of Podiatry (Honours)
IBOP Accredited
The University of Western Australia Crawley, WA Doctor of Podiatric Medicine 91870 Accredited with conditions
Doctor of Podiatric Surgery
91830 Accredited with conditions
Western Sydney University Campbelltown, NSW Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine/
Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours)
4709.1 Accredited
Page reviewed 4/12/2024